Urinal Maintenance supplies
Blue Seal - The Original! For All Waterless Type Urinal
- no special cleaners are needed!
- time tested
- environmentally friendly
- biodegradable
- long lasting / no evaporation
111400 - BlueSeal
EcoTrap® Tool
- Made of Stainless steel
- Easy removal of urinal insert (Eco Trap)
111402 - X-Traptor Tool

Smarty Bee Waterless Urinal Replacement Cartridge
The Smarty Bee Waterless Urinal Replacement Cartridge is a revolutionary cartridge designed to be the easiest, most efficient, and most cost-effective waterless urinal cartridge on the market.
With the Smarty Bee cartridge, you can retrofit compatible systems–simply remove the old cartridge and replace it with the Smarty Bee cartridge.
Package contains:
- Replacement tool
112405 - Replacement Cartridges